Sunday, June 19, 2011

Interview with Juno Sparks

Bris Guide interviews new up and coming band on the Bristol scene, Juno Sparks, in rise of their first performance at The Pilgrim Inn, Brislington on 30th June 2011.

How did you get together?

Mike put an ad on a music website, looking for collaborators on an original music project. We all responded individually, and met up support in March. It was all really organic.

We`re certainly influenced by a diverse array of artists, and that comes across in our writing, but that`s also what gives us our sound. I think Mike liked the expression of my profile because I put Kate Bush as one of my main influences, and he exploited to throw a major crush on her! We`re all really determined to make new sounds and carve a corner for ourselves, rather than rehashing other people`s music. There`s nothing wrong with existence in a covers band, but we all require the dispute of producing our own songs.

What do you go like?

That`s such a tough question to do because we don`t necessarily fit into a neat category, but stone is at the origin of it. Some of our songs feature a, dancier edge funkier because of Mikes slap bass and Giannis guitar chops, and others take a harder sound, but because my part is melodic, that steers us aside from the heavy rock side of things. We`re unquestionably not a thrash metal band! We are also introducing an electronic sound into the mix, so we are unlike to the average pub rock band. Our strength is in writing strong, melodic songs that get into people`s heads, in a good way of course! It`s ever been very important to me to write immediate songs. We`re not a "difficult" band in that sense however technically we can ramp it up. You don`t get to listen to one of our songs 10 times over to "get it".

Who are you influenced by?

There are certain bands that we all enjoy, or at least almost all! Queen`s one of my all time favourites but Mike and Gianni have very strong Progressive Rock influences and artists like King Crimson, Weather Report and Mark X. Otherwise, we like everything from Pink Floyd to Tims influences of dubstep.

Have you done much else musically?

For me, I haven`t really been in a proper band since university, and I probably get the least know of performing live. That said I did a few gigs recently in South Korea. The remainder of the band are seasoned performers.Mike`s in another band ARCC that`s playing Glastonbury this year. Tim and Gianni have both been in bands in the UK and in Gianni`s native Italy, and they`ve both done a lot of gigs and toured and stuff.

Obviously there are a lot of bands on the Bristol live music scene. What makes you different?

Bristol has a large music scene - probably one of the better in the country, which is one of the chief reasons I moved here. In one way it`s just because there are so many venues that offer live music, not to observe the festivals. However, I don`t see a lot of female fronted bands necessarily, although there are more on the wind and soul scene. We blend many genres and our music is melodic and memorable! Plus we are safe at what we do. Hopefully, we`ll make up a following based on that. No gimmicks, just good, solid song writing and a blistering live set, obviously!

How did you come up with the name, Juno Sparks?

Tim thought of it actually. We were agonising over a call for ages, and so he came up with it. Juno is the Roman goddess of wisdom which is apparently a just starting point_um_Sparks? Sparks of wisdom. Definitely.

So what`s next for Juno Sparks?

We`ll do the gig and so get plenty more off the game of it with any luck! We`ll start recording soon as well. We are unquestionably in it for the long haul.

Juno Sparks are performing at The Pilgrim Inn, Brislington from 8.00pm Thursday 30th June 2011.

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