Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DOOMMANTIA: Blue Aside - The Orange Tree

blueasidecover DOOMMANTIA: Blue Aside - The Orange Tree
Blue Aside's "The Orange Tree" with what looks like a red tree on the top or perhaps I am color-blind is an album that is immediately interesting from the real spin because of the way their influences are blended into a seamless package all of their own. While mixing psychedelic space rock with doom metal is nothing new, the ring get a voice that suggests they are carving out their own little corner in the scene.

Blue Aside is a trio including ex-members of Palace in Thunderland who later turned into the big Black Pyramid but you would never know they are but a trio judging by the good they make on this EP. But it is simply not the sounds, it is likewise the concepts that set this band apart from other bands. They are a self-described "concept band" and the concept behind "The Orange Tree" is described as "a story of red and woe, but besides of trust and redemption." The tale told in the lyrics is about Earth's working population being forced to be underground while the rich stay protected from the Sun's deadly radiation by the orange tree above ground. Maybe this is the bands look into the next for this slowly rotting planet or perhaps it is an emblem on the flow province of rich versus poor in our society. Whatever have you get on the lyrics, it is a good thought-out man and it is keen to see a band taking on the concept album approach which by the way is well over 30 minutes long so it is nearer to a full-length album than a EP. The opening "The Traveller of Time and Space" kicks off with a psychedelic doom-riff but before you get into a familiar state of a doom-metal vibe, the dog quickly zig-zags in different directions from death-metal elements to space-rock to traditional doom. Layered guitar sounds and contrasting vocal styles give the band sound way larger than only a three-piece and at times it sounds like Sons Of Otis jamming with Pink Floyd so musically this is approximately as various as you can get within this sort of musical genre. There is much swirling psychedelia coming from the guitars but there is too heavy doses of bottom-end that push the song sonically. When the inaugural track melts its way into the back track, "Otis Sun" you are on a cosmic journey with a soundtrack unlike anything I have heard in the past few years. "Otis Sun" which is apparently a nod to Sons Of Otis perfectly sums up what Blue Aside are all around and that is the seamless mixing of styles. This course which blends influences of Saint Vitus, Pink Floyd, Hawkwind, Sons Of Otis and even Hendrix flies in the front of what the traditional music fan thinks can be done, if you remember you can't blend all these styles and give them work, then you better listen to "Blue Aside." "Otis Sun" has everything from sludge-filled riffing to wild, drugged out psychedelic guitar passages and the vocals again range from death-growls to smooth harmonies without it sounding out-of-place. Guitarist Adam Abrams shines throughout the EP with impressive solo act and killer riffs, the drumming of Matt Netto is total perfection proving he can represent anything with relief and the bass playing of Joe Twomey is strong and good of bottom-ended goodness."Orange Eyes" is the about conventional track on the EP as for the most part it is reasonably straight-forward doom-stoner groove but at over 9 minutes long, there is still twists on the way to throw it different from any other band. The musical depth they show by adding acoustic guitar to run along-side the electric Sabbathian riffing shows how innovative they are as composers as good as players. The soloing is again a feature within the call and the mix of an infectious chorus with haunting melodies is excellent. Next track up is "Black Rays" and it takes a work into a much darker place musically speaking. It combines pummeling metallic crunch with some tasty psychedelic doom chugging and it stands out as one of the highlights of the EP. The challenging piece of this line is the strange time signatures they use and get by with so effortlessly, most of other bands would have a "pigs-breakfast" of such a position but Blue Aside seem to make no problem with these various ideas. The final track, "The Inevitable Journey" is another lengthy track merging psychedelic doom with a slight grunge-rock vibe especially in the after section of the song. Starting off very heavy, like all their songs it twists and turns with impressive guitar work, mesmerizing vocal harmonies and a vibration that reminded me of Yob at their best. When this is all over and through with, it is a fascinating experience that is totally diverse. Think of bands like Sleep, Yob, Sons Of Otis, Saint Vitus and put them in the same way as Captain Beyond, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Hawkwind and Haste and you make a singular collection of sounds and that is what you get with "The Orange Tree." I would give gladly given this a "10" rating if it wasn't just for one job and that is the production, it simply isn't too great. Music of this magnitude cries out for a massive production job but this sounds a small flat, it is a bummer but even turned up loud though Bose Headphones, the weaknesses are there. However the songs rule and musically, songwriting wise and in concept, this album is one of the best albums I have heard all year. Pity I didn't listen to it more before doing my top album list for 2010, this album would have been there, no question. Highly progressive, psychedelic and yet very heavy, this album has it all and I highly recommend you do yourself a privilege and blame this one up, it is a massive release.9/10Blue Aside Myspace

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