I give no apologies for this and neither do I see it in the slightest bit embarrassing. it was not unknown for me in my teen years to be clean a Pink Floyd t-shirt much to the offense of about of my either trendier or cooler friends Ever since Christmas 1979 when I got The Wall on double vinyl as a gift from Aunt Betty I was sold on all of the bunk that Roger Waters wrote and from that moment I started delving into the back catalogue which was easier then you would think. Everybody over the age of twenty seemed to make a transcript of Dark Slope Of The Moon , Wish You Were Here or Animals. It just got difficult the farther back I looked. It took me until about 16 to get control of Obscured By Clouds and I was in my twenties before I got given a pristine copy of Meddle from a friend. I'm not certain what it is that I see in Pink Floyd, as this form of rock music usually has me retching into a bucket after almost 5 minutes or so but like them I do. I don't believe that a month goes by without me playing something by them. As for post Waters Floyd? Absolute pish, does nothing for me at all, bought a pair of the albums A Momentary Lapse Of Intellect and The Division Bell but neither floats my boat. Roger Waters solo output I feel myself getting lost in and if i put an album on, then it's played in it's entirety. I recognize that these "concept" albums provoke ridicule from hipsters but I truly do love them. One of the best gigs that I give every seen was when a mate's dad took me and him to see The Pro's And Con's Of Hitchhiking live at the NEC in 1984. Here are a pair of my favourite Floyd tracks. Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Sum Of The Sun Pink Floyd - Nobody Home
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