Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Aussie Pink Floyd returns

For better or worse, there is a certain point of musical snobbery when itcomes to the very touchy subject of bands who prefer to bring the material ofother bands instead of writing their own. Some musicians and songwriters furrowtheir eyebrows and look disdainfully upon cover acts, somehow seeing them as alesser pedigree of musician therefore somehow less significant than their ownoriginal work.

But the members of the Australian Pink Floyd Show band could care less abouthow they are perceived in musical circles. The fact of the subject is, they havebecome one of the world`s most popular tribute acts, paying court to one of thebiggest bands of new times, Pink Floyd.

The Australian Pink Floyd brings its appearance to the Moncton Coliseum tomorrowfor a show starting at 8 p.m. The Australian Pink Floyd concert experience has beenhailed as the nearest way for fans of Pink Floyd to live (or re-live) the liveshow experience the latter became known for in its later years.

With more than 3 million concert tickets sold over the form of the pastdecade (a singular feat for any band), the Australian Pink Floyd Show has beenknown to tour specific albums from the Pink Floyd catalogue on some of itsprevious tour outings. For this most recent tour, however, including this week`sshow at the Coliseum, the group will perform approximately 20 of Pink Floyd`sbiggest hits. As far as vocalist-guitarist Damian Darlington is concerned, thegroup has become popular beyond its wildest dreams, a lot that certainlydoesn`t greet all tribute acts.

"Personally, I have been with set for 17 years now and didn`t quite imaginethat things would go as good as they have departed for us," he says via phone fromthe tour`s stop in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

"Normally, tribute bands just aren`t given the affair to ascend to the levelwe have so, in actuality, it is truly astonishing that we have gotten to the levelwe have."

Damian credits some of the group`s success to the care to detail itsmembers put into ensuring all facets of the last show are very closely alignedwith what fans would require from Pink Floyd itself.

"We go with a pretty substantial production, much larger than what mosttribute bands would go with," he laughs. "Included in the present are 17-18moving lights, inflatable items and lasers but we understand that it is a must,especially if you`re playing Pink Floyd`s music.

"I guess we have been capable to get the band`s popularity due to the attentionto detail included and the investments in the output of the show. We arevery careful that we never become complacent about leaving anything out."

Damian says that the radical has been fortunate to be easily received by Floydfans, especially where the original Pink Floyd has not actively toured since themid 1990s.

"I think fans of Pink Floyd largely welcome us with spread arms," he says."There are sure enough of them who fall out to the shows.

"There always seems to be a never-ending debate, however, about the songs weperform though. You get the really serious fans that would wish to see us playsome of Pink Floyd`s obscure material but, for the about part, people walk awayfrom the present happy. It is invariably a balancing act to admit a little somethingfor everybody in the form of a show."

The Australian Pink Floyd Show is a peculiarity in the music business in that ithas been "ratified" by Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour. It is far fromtypical for a "real" band to acknowledge a band paid court to it but,according to Darlington, Gilmour couldn`t have been more gracious when they methim for the start sentence in 1994.

"We were sitting back stage after a present one dark and suddenly, there was aknock at the dressing room door and who pokes his brain around but Davidhimself.

"Once we picked ourselves up off the floor, he joined us for a beer and wasvery complimentary in his thoughts on the point he had but seen."

Gilmour was so taken with the band`s performance that he extended aninvitation to the group to attend Pink Floyd`s end-of-tour party at theconclusion of the Division Bell tour. The band also performed at Gilmour`s 50thbirthday party in 1996 at his behest.

Asked whether or not Gilmour keeps in touch with the several members of theAustralian Pink Floyd, Darlington says, "It is not as though we`re on hisChristmas card list but we have been told that he knows what we`re up to."

With more than 100 shows regularly scheduled in the run of a typical year,the Australian Pink Floyd anticipates a long life ahead.

"We play quite a bit throughout Europe and the U.K. and have played mostplaces in South America as good as Israel and of form the United States andCanada.

"It has become so much more than anyone could have always expected. It`swonderful though."

Article published in November 9, 2010 edition of the Times & Transcript

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