Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd

Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd

Indisputably one of the most celebrated songs of Pink Floyd and in the story of music, Another Brick in the Wall was scripted by Roger Waters and released later in 1979 as division of the famous album, The Wall

. The call is actually broken into 3 sections that are called Another Brick in the Fence I, II, and III, as good as being titled Reminiscing, Education, and Drugs (you can download music of all three parts together with track being 8 1/2 minutes long, or merely part II which is 4 minutes long). Those fans who have seen the picture that Waters` created, also called The Wall, are conversant with the dark implications that he intended with the song.

Another Brick in the Wall

If you`ve never seen the film or paying attention to the lyrics of Part II or Education (the most easily known part), it is more or less a protest song against the systematic ways of modern society, more specifically the educational system in developed countries like the UK (the band`s birthplace) and the US. Roger Waters claims that attending boarding school during the fifties was terrible and near torturous, with teachers who were more concerned with discipline than education.

In his audience with Mojo magazine, Waters stated:

You couldn`t find anybody in the earth more pro-education than me. Butthe education I went through in boys` grammar school in the `50s wasvery controlling and demanded rebellion. The teachers were weak andtherefore easy targets. The call is meant to be a rebellion againsterrant government, against people who possess power over you, who arewrong. Then it absolutely demanded that you rebel against that.

Anyone who`s gone through any systematic upbringing, in any education system, or has worked in any corporate job, or felt the anger of unjust governmental policies, laws, or corrupt politicians, knows what Waters is referring to. So stand up against the wrong, refuse to conform, because after all_

We don`t want no education We dont want no thoughtcontrol No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kidsalone Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! All in all it`s justanother brick in the wall. All in all you`re just another brick inthe wall.

Here is the picture of Pink Floyd taken from the movie The Wall:

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