Friday, July 1, 2011

Conor Lastowka Blog Archive Behind the Scenes at the Photo .

Behind the Scenes at the Picture Shoot for the Classic Pink Floyd "Back Catalogue" Dorm Room Poster

Ladies, Ill be right back, Im only passing to go get a new lens and then well get the shoot.


I hardly want to get this off my chest, this is pretty much bullshit_

Oh, here we go_

I wasn`t going to say anything, but I get here, I strip low and they paint a cow on me

Youre the one who picked that album!

I didnt know theyd be painting it on my back!They only told us to pick our favorite Pink Floyd album!

And you just had to test your cred.Oh Atom Heart Mother, look how obscure I am, I dont mind to the Pink Floyd anybodys heard of

Its very underrated!

Oh, right, its underrated.You go home and mind to Atom Heart Mother?You only put on Atom Heart Mother and mind to it all the way through?Its terrible Cindy.

Its garbage

Youre garbage!


I think mines pretty_

Thats Relics, Doris.Nobodys even heard of Relics.

But you said I should deal with you_

I certainly did!Bet you Wish You Were Here now, huh!?

You, uh, you think Relics is underrated too Cindy?Lot of commodity b-sides on that compilation, arent there?Cuz thats what people know about Pink Floyd, their obscure B-Sides.They actually meet the stadiums!

Go to hell June!

You bitches need to close up and only drink me in.I am looking like the Hot Side of the Moon.I may not even wash off and simply go directly to the beach afterwards, turn some stoner heads.

Im with you honey, us classic albums need to get together.

Ha!You can save your damn distance, Betty!You feel like The Matter from Fantastic Four had a child with Marilyn Quayle!And get the SPF 50, it doesn`t seem like you`ve seen the sun in years!

Hey, The Wall sold 23 million copies!

Which would be a lot more impressive if they didnt weigh a double album as two sales!

Your hair does look like Marilyn Quayles_

Lick me, Carrot Top!Go touch up your ass makeup, I guess it rubbed off on the high horse you rode in on!

My neck itches_

I scarcely thought this ghost of blue would meet my eyes_

It`s one of those ones you simply can`t reach_driving me crazy_

This was a fearful idea, Im so stupid_

Awww, dont say that honey.You feel great.

It could ever be worse.You could make a barnyard animal on your back!

You slut!

She burned you Cindy!

Youre Animals June!Thats a flying pig in between those smokestacks, you idiot!

Oh, Im sorry, I must not have rolled enough joints on the album back to ever notice that.I ever had guys willing to pluck them for me!

Pssh, a different one each week from what Ive heard_

Beats pretending to like Atom Heart Mother alone!

Ladies!This is no way to act!Youre going to get agitated and the body paint will go running.Please, just save your cool for two more minutes while we get the lighting rig set up!


So, howd you miss your legs?

Thresher accident

No way, me too!

Frostbite for me, passed out drunk in the snow

I got pinned under a collapsed retaining wall two separate times, lost em five years apart.

Thats some bad luck

My mom drank during pregnancy, I was born this way


Its hard being a sexy torso_

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